
Anthony Russo Interview

Dur­ing an in­vest­ig­a­tion in­to secret con­tri­bu­tions to Cali­for­nia polit­ic­al cam­paigns last year, state au­thor­it­ies in­ter­viewed An­thony Russo and Jeff Miller, the Re­pub­lic­an con­sult­ants who raised the money.

These are the tran­scripts of those con­ver­sa­tions, which were con­duc­ted in Sac­ra­mento in Ju­ly. They were re­leased by the state Fair Polit­ic­al Prac­tices Com­mis­sion on Oct. 24, when of­fi­cials an­nounced a total of $16 mil­lion in pen­al­ties against four groups in Ari­zona and Cali­for­nia for fail­ures to re­port the dona­tions prop­erly un­der state law.

Read the Jeff Miller in­ter­view »

Published: Nov. 1, 2013
Sources: California FPPC

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