City of Burbank 2009 employee earnings

The city of Burb­ank has re­leased spread­sheets show­ing gross earn­ings for reg­u­lar, full-time city em­ploy­ees for the 2009 cal­en­dar year. This doc­u­ment only shows people earn­ing more than $100,000.

Burb­ank res­id­ent Eric Mi­chael Cap, who also writes a loc­al blog, said he sub­mit­ted the doc­u­ments to “shine a little spot­light” on salar­ies in Burb­ank.

He said he is un­happy with the city's de­cision not to re­lease in­form­a­tion re­lated to the $1.8 mil­lion it budgeted for mer­it pay in 2010 — and how the money was paid out. The Burb­ank Lead­er, which — like the Los Angeles Times is owned by Tribune Com­pany — has filed a law­suit against the city for re­fus­ing to dis­close in­form­a­tion about bo­nuses.

“Our lead­ers talk about trans­par­ency, but they don’t walk the walk,” Cap said.

Published: April 11, 2011
Sources: City of Burbank via Eric Michael Cap
Credits: Kimi Yoshino, Anthony Pesce

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