California Governor’s budget summary 2014-15

The gov­ernor’s pro­posed budget would in­crease state spend­ing on schools, health­care and wel­fare for poor Cali­for­ni­ans. Brown also pro­poses stash­ing $1.6 bil­lion in a rainy day fund as a buf­fer against fu­ture eco­nom­ic tur­moil. His budget pro­pos­al in­cludes nearly $10 bil­lion more than an­ti­cip­ated for schools and com­munity col­leges. The spend­ing pri­or­it­ies re­flect Cali­for­nia’s fin­an­cial turn­around after years of spend­ing cuts. A copy of the budget pro­pos­al was ob­tained by the Los Angeles Times.