Campaign manager’ for criminal justice

In this doc­u­ment, found­a­tions pool­ing their re­sources to seek changes in Cali­for­nia’s crim­in­al sen­ten­cing laws seek a “cam­paign man­ager” to run the new or­gan­iz­a­tion they are cre­at­ing. It even­tu­ally is called Cali­for­ni­ans for Safety and Justice. The per­son hired for the po­s­i­tion was Len­ore An­der­son, a former aide to then-San Fran­cisco Dis­trict At­tor­ney Kamala Har­ris and later pub­lic safety chief for then-San Fran­cisco May­or Gav­in New­s­om. Prop­er­ties on the ori­gin­al doc­u­ment show it was cre­ated in Oc­to­ber 2011. It con­tains ref­er­ences to Tim Sil­ard, CEO of the Rosen­berg Found­a­tion, and spon­sors at George Sor­os’ Open So­ci­ety Found­a­tions in New York.

An­der­son also be­came the dir­ect­or of Vote Safe, which launched a bal­lot ini­ti­at­ive to re­duce crim­in­al pen­al­ties for drug use and petty theft.

Credits: Paige St. John