Collaborators for criminal justice advocacy

This doc­u­ment from 2012 de­tails how found­a­tions col­lab­or­ated to change crim­in­al justice policy in Cali­for­nia. Fun­ders for Safety and Justice in Cali­for­nia was re­named Cali­for­ni­ans for Safety and Justice. CSJ was cre­ated as a “pro­ject” with­in the lar­ger Tides Cen­ter, and thus has no fin­an­cial state­ments of its own. Its three-per­son steer­ing com­mit­tee con­sists of rep­res­ent­at­ives of the Rosen­berg Found­a­tion, Cali­for­nia En­dow­ment, and George Sor­os’ Open So­ci­ety Found­a­tions.

Grant doc­u­ments show the ma­jor non-profits provid­ing sup­port to CSJ and writ­ing af­fin­ity grants were the Rosen­berg Found­a­tion, Cali­for­nia En­dow­ment, Ford Found­a­tion, the At­lantic Phil­an­throp­ies, and the Open So­ci­ety Found­a­tions. Oth­er con­trib­ut­ors in­cluded the Fund for Non­vi­ol­ence and The Wo­men’s Found­a­tion.