Controller letter demands more LAFD data

The may­or last month called for an audit of the de­part­ment’s re­sponse times to re­as­sure the pub­lic. City Con­trol­ler Wendy Greuel, who is con­duct­ing the re­view, sent a let­ter to fire of­fi­cials Wed­nes­day com­plain­ing that her aud­it­ors had not re­ceived all of the in­form­a­tion they re­ques­ted.

The miss­ing in­form­a­tion in­cludes de­part­ment policies and pro­ced­ures, as well as an ex­plan­a­tion of how the de­part­ment codes its data, Greuel spokes­wo­man Shan­non Murphy said. Some of the re­sponse time data has been coded in a way that “doesn’t work for our ana­lys­is,” Murphy said.

Published: April 5, 2012
Credits: Ben Welsh

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