Council motion calls for report on proposed LAFD reforms

Los Angeles City Coun­cil­man Gil Ce­dillo has called for the city Fire De­part­ment to re­spond to a sweep­ing set of re­forms re­com­men­ded last week by the Los Angeles County Civil Grand Jury.

The grand jury’s fi­nal re­port, re­leased Fri­day, ar­gued for fully re­vers­ing budget cuts made to the LAFD dur­ing the eco­nom­ic down­turn, re­pla­cing the fire­fight­ers who an­swer 911 calls with lower-skilled ci­vil­ians and an over­haul of the de­part­ment’s com­puter sys­tems.

Published: July 3, 2013
Sources: Los Angeles City Council
Credits: Ben Welsh

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