
Court upholds block on Arizona immigration law

A three-judge ap­peals pan­el today up­held a lower court rul­ing block­ing ma­jor parts of a tough Ari­zona law that tar­gets il­leg­al im­mig­rants.

The pan­el of the 9th Cir­cuit Court of Ap­peals turned down a re­quest by Ari­zona Gov. Jan Brew­er, who had asked jur­ists to lift an in­junc­tion im­posed by a lower court fed­er­al judge the day be­fore the con­tro­ver­sial law was to go in­to ef­fect on Ju­ly 29. Read more »

Published: April 11, 2011
Sources: 9th Circuit Court of Appeals
Credits: Ben Welsh

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