Documents detail misconduct by L.A. sheriff’s deputies

David Jouzi DA reject memo

Dav­id Jouzi in­sisted he had con­duc­ted a routine traffic stop when he pulled over a wo­man in Rose­mead and found a large quant­ity of methamphet­am­ine in­side her vehicle, ac­cord­ing to a dis­trict at­tor­ney’s memo. Only later, when he was about to testi­fy again in the case, did he ad­mit that he’d been work­ing with an in­form­ant to identi­fy the sus­pect and that the traffic stop was part of a set-up he helped or­ches­trate. The dis­trict at­tor­ney’s of­fice said he made false state­ments to pro­sec­utors but de­clined to charge him, ac­cord­ing to an of­fice memo.

Sources: Los Angeles County district attorney’s office