Standing Up: Davien’s story

On Janu­ary 12, 2008, Dav­i­en Gra­ham, 16, was shot in front of his church in Mon­rovia. He was para­lyzed in the shoot­ing and had to over­come fears of re­tali­ation be­fore identi­fy­ing his shoot­er and testi­fy­ing in court. Times re­port­er Molly Hen­nessy-Fiske first met him in the hos­pit­al shortly after the shoot­ing and checked in on his life over nearly five years. Read Dav­i­en’s story>>

Dav­i­en Gra­ham was shot and para­lyzed in Janu­ary 2008. A month later, Dav­i­en, then a teen­ager, was up­set when Los Angeles County Sher­iff’s depu­ties dropped a gang warn­ing for him at his Mon­rovia home. Dav­i­en had nev­er joined a gang.
Dav­i­en Gra­ham did not ap­pear in court to speak at the sen­ten­cing of his shoot­er Jimmy Santana. In­stead, he sent a vic­tim im­pact state­ment which was read by a pro­sec­utor. Be­low is the full state­ment.