The investigation into the death of Alex Martin

The Bor­der Patrol’s fatal en­counter with Alex Mar­tin happened dur­ing a traffic stop along­side a rur­al road in San Diego County. Mar­tin died when a Taser fired by an agent sparked an ex­plo­sion, en­gulf­ing his car in flames. Be­low are sev­er­al doc­u­ments re­lated to the case. (Ed­it­or’s note: Some of the doc­u­ments con­tain coarse lan­guage.)

Read the story: Bor­der Patrol turned to Tasers to re­duce deadly shoot­ings — only to cre­ate new prob­lems

Agent Roy Salcedo fired the Taser in­to Alex Mar­tin’s car.

Alex Fish­man spot­ted Mar­tin driv­ing the wrong way and began pur­su­ing him.

Nearly a year after the case, a law­yer in the De­part­ment of Justice de­clined to open an in­vest­ig­a­tion. The case file con­tains only two news stor­ies from shortly after the ex­plo­sion. Neither men­tioned the Taser.

Alex Mar­tin’s moth­er gave a de­pos­ition last year. A judge dis­missed the fam­ily’s law­suit.

Though the re­port is clas­si­fied as a Taser use, the Taser is not men­tioned in the in­cid­ent nar­rat­ive.