Department of Water and Power audits

City audits showed that two non­profit trusts cre­ated by the Los Angeles De­part­ment of Wa­ter and Power and fin­anced with more than $40 mil­lion from rate­pay­ers paid mil­lions to vendors without com­pet­it­ive bids, over­paid top man­agers and let them charge per­son­al travel, gas­ol­ine and oth­er items without fil­ing ex­pense re­ports.

Two non­profit trusts cre­ated by the Los Angeles De­part­ment of Wa­ter and Power and fin­anced with more than $40 mil­lion from rate­pay­ers paid mil­lions to vendors without com­pet­it­ive bids, over­paid top man­agers and let them charge per­son­al travel, gas­ol­ine and oth­er items without fil­ing ex­pense re­ports, ac­cord­ing to audits re­leased by the city.

Two non­profit trusts cre­ated by the Los Angeles De­part­ment of Wa­ter and Power and fin­anced with more than $40 mil­lion from rate­pay­ers paid mil­lions to vendors without com­pet­it­ive bids, over­paid top man­agers and let them charge per­son­al travel, gas­ol­ine and oth­er items without fil­ing ex­pense re­ports, city audits show.