Ellen Page comes out

“I’m here today be­cause I am gay, and be­cause maybe I can make a dif­fer­ence,” El­len Page, 26, told a group of about 600 school coun­selors, teach­ers and oth­ers at the Hu­man Rights Cam­paign’s in­aug­ur­al con­fer­ence de­voted to is­sues faced by chil­dren and teen­agers who identi­fy as les­bi­an, gay, trans­gender, bi­sexu­al or queer. “I feel a per­son­al ob­lig­a­tion and a so­cial re­spons­ib­il­ity. I also do it selfishly, be­cause I am tired of hid­ing and I am tired of ly­ing by omis­sion.”

Sources: Human Rights Campaign