Estate of Bobbi Kristina Brown v. Nick Gordon

The es­tate of Bobbi Kristina Brown sued Nick Gor­don in civil court in June 2015, al­leging he harmed her phys­ic­ally and then took over con­trol of her fin­ances and stole from her after she was hos­pit­al­ized. She died that Ju­ly, and the com­plaint was amended the next month to in­clude a wrong­ful-death al­leg­a­tion and asked for $50 mil­lion in dam­ages.

Fath­er Bobby Brown joined the ac­tion as a plaintiff in May 2016, and on Sept. 16, 2016, a judge ruled against Gor­don after he twice failed to ap­pear in court.

Sources: Superior Court of Fulton County (Ga.)