Senators Ask CIA for ‘Zero Dark Thirty’ Documents

Sen­ate In­tel­li­gence Com­mit­tee Chair­man Di­anne Fein­stein (D-Cal­if.), Sen­ate Armed Ser­vice Com­mit­tee Chair­man Carl Lev­in (D-Mich.) and Sen­ate Armed Ser­vice Com­mit­tee Rank­ing Mem­ber John Mc­Cain (R-Ar­iz.) have sent two let­ters to Act­ing CIA Dir­ect­or Mi­chael Mo­rell seek­ing in­form­a­tion provided to the film­makers of the film Zero Dark Thirty and cla­ri­fic­a­tion of com­ments made to CIA em­ploy­ees re­lated to the use of co­er­cive in­ter­rog­a­tion tech­niques on CIA de­tain­ees.

Published: Jan. 3, 2013
Sources: United States Senate

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