LAPD Det. Frank Lyga apologized for his controversial remarks

Los Angeles Po­lice Det. Frank Lyga told a de­part­ment dis­cip­lin­ary pan­el that he deeply re­gret­ted com­ments he made at a train­ing class in Novem­ber 2013, ac­cord­ing to his at­tor­ney. Lyga was ac­cused of mak­ing ra­cially-charged and sex­ist com­ments at the ses­sion. The board of rights pan­el re­com­men­ded that Lyga be fired for his re­marks. LAPD Chief Charlie Beck on Wed­nes­day for­war­ded pa­per­work to the city’s Po­lice Com­mis­sion that fi­nal­ized the 28-year de­part­ment vet­er­an’s ter­min­a­tion.