LAX shooting

On the morn­ing of Nov. 1, 2013, a gun­man, iden­ti­fied by po­lice as Paul An­thony Cian­cia, tar­geted TSA screen­ing per­son­nel in Ter­min­al 3 of LAX, the na­tion’s third-busiest air­port.

Ger­ardo I. Hernan­dez, 39 and the fath­er of two, was shot to death, be­com­ing the agency’s first of­ficer killed in the line of duty. Two oth­er TSA of­fi­cials and a school teach­er were wounded.

Paul An­thony Cian­cia, 23, the man ac­cused of killing a Trans­port­a­tion Se­cur­ity Ad­min­is­tra­tion of­ficer in a shoot­ing spree at Los Angeles In­ter­na­tion­al Air­port last month, has been in­dicted by a fed­er­al grand jury on 11 counts, in­clud­ing murder and at­temp­ted murder.

The fed­er­al crim­in­al com­plaint against Paul An­thony Cian­cia, who is charged with murder. Cian­cia is sus­pec­ted of us­ing an as­sault rifle in Fri­day’s deadly, dis­rupt­ive at­tack at LAX.