Medi-Cal managed care audit

The Cali­for­nia state aud­it­or’s of­fice re­leased a re­port Tues­day eval­u­at­ing how well the state is provid­ing ac­cess to health­care through the man­aged care plans that cov­er most Medi­caid pa­tients in Cali­for­nia. Eli­gib­il­ity for Medi-Cal, the state’s health pro­gram for the poor, was ex­pan­ded un­der the Af­ford­able Care Act. Since last year, en­roll­ment has ex­ploded, with more than 3.5 mil­lion people sign­ing up for the first time. Nearly one in three Cali­for­ni­ans — a total of 12.2 mil­lion people — now re­ceive cov­er­age through Medi-Cal.