Natalie Wood’s death

Nat­alie Wood in 1969. Cred­it: Los Angeles Times

In Novem­ber 2011, the Los Angeles County Sher­iff’s De­part­ment re­opened its case in­to the 1981 death of act­ress Nat­alie Wood.

At the time of her death, of­fi­cials then ruled her drown­ing while boat­ing off Santa Catalina Is­land an ac­ci­dent. But there has been much spec­u­la­tion about what happened in the boat.

A new Los Angeles County cor­on­er’s re­port ques­tions ori­gin­al find­ings that led in­vest­ig­at­ors to con­clude that the act­ress died ac­ci­dent­ally, sources close to the in­vest­ig­a­tion told The Times.

— Richard Winton

On Nov. 29, 1981, The Times re­por­ted that the body of Nat­alie Wood, 43, had been found float­ing in the ocean off Catalina Is­land, where she had gone for a hol­i­day week­end with her hus­band, Robert Wag­n­er.
On Dec. 2, 1981, The Times re­por­ted that an LAPD hom­icide de­tect­ive was dis­put­ing the cor­on­er’s ac­count that Robert Wag­n­er and Chris­toper Walken had ar­gued heatedly shortly be­fore Nat­alie Wood’s death.
On Dec. 4, 1981, The Times re­por­ted that a wo­man on a nearby boat told au­thor­it­ies she heard cries for help on the even­ing Nat­alie Wood died.
On Dec. 4, 1981, The Times re­por­ted that Nat­alie Wood had two com­mon med­ic­a­tions and caf­feine in her sys­tem at the time of her death, in ad­di­tion to a blood al­co­hol level of .14.
Jan. 14, 2013  By Andrew Blankstein and Richard Winton
A new Los Angeles County Cor­on­er’s re­port in­to the death of Nat­alie Wood re­leased Monday ques­tions ori­gin­al 1981 find­ings that led in­vest­ig­at­ors to con­clude that the act­ress died ac­ci­dent­ally.