
No Fly List’ ruling unsealed

The ma­jor­ity of U.S. Dis­trict Judge Wil­li­am Alsup’s de­cision that a Stan­ford stu­dent was wrongly put on ter­ror­ist watch lists was largely un­sealed Thursday. Alsup ruled that the U.S. De­part­ment of Home­land Se­cur­ity lacked suf­fi­cient “due pro­cess” for in­di­vidu­als to ap­peal their place­ment on such lists.

The re­leased de­cision also notes that Dr. Rah­i­nah Ibrahim’s daugh­ter also was wrongly put on a No Fly list when she at­temp­ted to at­tend her moth­er’s court hear­ing in San Fran­cisco. The un­sealed de­cision still in­cludes re­dac­ted por­tions, such as “Gov­ern­ment coun­sel has con­ceded at tri­al that Dr. Ibrahim is not a threat to our na­tion­al se­cur­ity. She does not pose (and has not posed) XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.”

Published: Feb. 6, 2014
Sources: U.S. District Court of Northern California
Credits: Paige St. John

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