Ohio State’s band director investigation

Ohio State Uni­versity’s band dir­ect­or Jonath­an Wa­ters was fired by the school after an in­vest­ig­a­tion promp­ted by a par­ent­al com­plaint found the band’s “cul­ture fa­cil­it­ated acts of sexu­al har­ass­ment, cre­at­ing a hos­tile en­vir­on­ment for stu­dents.” The law­yer rep­res­ent­ing Wa­ters said the band lead­er will fight to clear his name.

Ac­cord­ing to the re­port, mu­si­cians were pres­sured to march through the sta­di­um in their un­der­wear, sing school an­thems that had been mas­saged with bawdy and cul­tur­ally in­ap­pro­pri­ate lyr­ics and force rook­ies to en­dure haz­ing.

Sources: The Ohio State University Office of Compliance and Integrity