Excerpts from state parole documents

After the state cor­rec­tions de­part­ment re­fused to provide pa­role su­per­vi­sion re­cords of two men charged with the rape and murder of four wo­men, The Los Angeles Times filed suit for re­lease of the re­cords. A Sac­ra­mento County judge ordered that por­tions of the files —some 1,000 pages— be made pub­lic. They show pa­role agents were aware the two sex of­fend­ers spent time to­geth­er, des­pite a pro­hib­i­tion for such con­tact. They also show field checks on the pa­rolees of­ten took place shortly after leav­ing a state pa­role of­fice, rather than in the com­munity where the vis­its might provide more in­form­a­tion.

Cor­rec­tions de­part­ment staff said the agency con­duc­ted its own in­tern­al re­view of the su­per­vi­sion of Cano and Gor­don, and took no ad­verse ac­tion against pa­role agents. Spokes­wo­man De­borah Hoff­man said the su­per­vi­sion “met the re­quire­ments for monthly field vis­its, weekly pa­role of­fice check-ins and daily track re­views.”

The cor­rec­tions de­part­ment was al­lowed to with­hold some re­cords and to block out por­tions of those they provided. Those re­dac­tions ap­pear in black. The news­pa­per in ad­di­tion has blocked out the names of pa­role agents, who have been ac­cused of no wrong­do­ing, and of per­son­al phone num­bers of law en­force­ment of­ficers. Those re­dac­tions ap­pear in red.

Sources: Court-ordered release of California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation parole supervision records for Franc Cano and Steven Gordon.