Penn State scandal

Former Penn State as­sist­ant foot­ball coach Jerry San­dusky was ar­res­ted Nov. 5 on charges that he sexu­ally ab­used young boys, and two high-rank­ing Penn State ad­min­is­trat­ors have been charged with ly­ing about their know­ledge of the crimes. On Nov. 9, Penn State trust­ees fired le­gendary head coach Joe Pa­ter­no, San­dusky’s former boss, and ous­ted the school’s pres­id­ent Gra­ham Span­i­er. Ad­di­tion­al charges against San­dusky were filed Dec. 7.

The grand jury pre­sent­ment de­tails the 12 new charges of child sex ab­use filed against ex-Penn State foot­ball coach Jerry San­dusky on Wed­nes­day Dec. 7.
Nov. 10, 2011  By Tribune News Services
Former Penn State foot­ball coach Jerry San­dusky was ar­res­ted Sat­urday on charges that he preyed on boys he met through The Second Mile, a char­ity he foun­ded for at-risk youths. Two high-rank­ing Penn State ad­min­is­trat­ors also face charges they lied about know­ledge of the crimes to a grand jury. With­in days, Penn State trust­ees fired le­gendary foot­ball coach Joe Pa­ter­no and also ous­ted uni­versity pres­id­ent Gra­ham Span­i­er. Here is the ...