Police report: Teens falls to death in Denver after eating marijuana cookie

A Wyom­ing col­lege stu­dent vis­it­ing Den­ver ate a marijuana cook­ie with some friends as they watched movies in­side a Hol­i­day Inn hotel room.

The $10, lem­on-poppy seed cook­ie’s wrap­per said it had “65 mil­li­grams THC,” marijuana’s key in­gredi­ent. The dis­pens­ary clerk had told the group of four friends to cut the cook­ie in­to six pieces and eat one at a time, one of the friends told po­lice. Each of them bought one cook­ie.

They com­plied with the in­struc­tions, but noth­ing hit them. Ex­perts have said it’s com­mon for ed­ibles to pro­duce a delayed high.

Levy Thamba, 19, went ahead and ate a full cook­ie. While his friends dealt with some stom­ach sick­ness, he star­ted speak­ing in French, act­ing strangely and toss­ing fur­niture. He later ran out of the room and fell to his death from a fourth-floor bal­cony onto the lobby floor.