
Financial records of DWP nonprofits

The Los Angeles De­part­ment of Wa­ter and Power provided lim­ited re­cords of ex­pendit­ures by the Joint Train­ing In­sti­tute and Joint Safety In­sti­tute, non­profits the agency runs with its largest uni­on. Be­low are the re­cords for 2012. Pay­ments for health and dent­al cov­er­age were re­dac­ted.

In ad­di­tion, the non­profits file dis­clos­ure forms with the IRS. Be­low are the doc­u­ments for the fisc­al years end­ing in 2010, 2011 and 2012.

Published: Sept. 19, 2013
Credits: Jack Dolan, Ben Welsh

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