
Torrance statement on online map

Launched last year, Tor­rance’s crime map prom­ised to use cut­ting-edge tech­no­logy to no­ti­fy res­id­ents of the latest crimes in their com­munity. But a Times re­view has found that the Tor­rance Po­lice De­part­ment de­lib­er­ately with­holds in­form­a­tion on hun­dreds of crimes across the city, in­clud­ing some of the most ser­i­ous.

More than 150 theft re­ports filed at the Del Amo mall in the months after the map launched are miss­ing. So are eight rapes re­cor­ded by Tor­rance po­lice and scores of oth­er crimes that the de­part­ment deems “con­fid­en­tial.” Read more »

Published: May 21, 2011
Sources: Los Angeles City Controller
Credits: Ben Welsh

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