
Transcript from 1-800-GET-THIN hearing

Los Angeles County su­per­visors voted to press for new state over­sight of out­pa­tient sur­gery cen­ters, a re­sponse to con­cern about the wide­spread 1-800-GET-THIN ad­vert­ising for Lap-Band weight-loss sur­gery.

Su­per­visors took that step Tues­day after a lengthy hear­ing about the ad cam­paign, which came un­der scru­tiny last week from the Food and Drug Ad­min­is­tra­tion. The agency says the bill­board, ra­dio and tele­vi­sion ads are mis­lead­ing be­cause they don’t ad­equately warn about risks to pa­tients.

Published: Dec. 20, 2011

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