The Long Beach ‘social vagrant’ investigations, 1914

From the Archives Vice officer who helped pioneer undercover stings targeting gay men dies in 1915 murder-suicide

An un­der­cov­er vice of­ficer who pi­on­eered the use of stings tar­get­ing gay men killed him­self after fatally shoot­ing a wo­man with whom he was in­fatu­ated, ac­cord­ing to a Los Angeles Times story pub­lished on Ju­ly 21, 1915. W.H.“Billy” War­ren — known for the “now cel­eb­rated ‘so­cial vag­rant’ in­vest­ig­a­tions” in Long Beach a year earli­er — shot Creta Carter and then turned the gun on him­self, the news­pa­per re­por­ted.

Sources: Los Angeles Times, July 21, 1915