Documents detail misconduct by L.A. sheriff’s deputies

Andrea Cecere letter of intent to discipline

The Sher­iff’s De­part­ment found that An­drea Ce­cere made false state­ments and wrote a false re­port about a vi­ol­ent en­counter with an in­mate. Ce­cere re­por­ted that she was try­ing to hand­cuff an in­mate when he threatened her and swung an arm at her. The ac­tions, she said, led a male deputy to come to her aid and use force against the in­mate. But three oth­er depu­ties said the in­mate was already hand­cuffed when the male deputy began hit­ting him. Ce­cere was told she would be sus­pen­ded for 20 days. A judge res­cin­ded the sus­pen­sion be­cause the de­part­ment missed the leg­al dead­line to dis­cip­line her.

Sources: Los Angeles County Superior Court