Angela Davis trial

An­gela Dav­is was a UCLA pro­fess­or fired for her Com­mun­ist be­liefs who faced the death pen­alty when a gun re­gistered in her name was linked to the murder of a Mar­in County judge.

Dav­is, who was brought to tri­al after sev­er­al months as a fu­git­ive, was ac­quit­ted by an all-white jury at a sen­sa­tion­al 1972 tri­al. The stun­ning out­come was cred­ited in part to the com­pel­ling courtroom style of Leo Brant­on, her co-lead de­fense at­tor­ney. Brant­on died Fri­day at the age of 91.

Here’s a look at some of the cov­er­age of the tri­al in the Los Angeles Times.

After de­liv­er­ing a not guilty ver­dict in An­gela Dav­is’ tri­al, jur­ors said they had nev­er ser­i­ously con­sidered con­vict­ing the former UCLA pro­fess­or.
In clos­ing ar­gu­ments at An­gela Dav­is’ tri­al, Leo Brant­on ar­gued “to find her guilty you have to be­lieve she is a fool.”
Front page of the Los Angeles Times on June 6, 1972, the day after An­gela Dav­is was ac­quit­ted of murder, kid­nap­ping and con­spir­acy charges.