
Audit faults LAUSD for not reporting misconduct allegations

Los Angeles school of­fi­cials have been slow to act on some al­leg­a­tions of em­ploy­ee sexu­al mis­con­duct and of­ten failed to no­ti­fy the state agency that over­sees the cre­den­tials of teach­ers, ac­cord­ing to a Cali­for­nia audit.

The audit was com­mis­sioned in re­sponse to fal­lout from the ar­rest of a vet­er­an Mira­monte Ele­ment­ary School teach­er on 23 counts of lewd con­duct.

Published: Nov. 29, 2012
Sources: California State Auditor
Credits: Samantha Schaefer

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