
Autopsy: Gerardo I. Hernandez

Trans­port­a­tion Se­cur­ity Ad­min­is­tra­tion of­ficer Ger­ardo I. Hernan­dez was mor­tally wounded on Nov. 1 by a ram­pa­ging gun­man at Los Angeles In­ter­na­tion­al Air­port. The cor­on­er’s autopsy re­port, be­low, found that 12 bul­lets ripped through the 39-year-old of­ficer’s heart and oth­er or­gans, and Los Angeles Po­lice Chief Charlie Beck has said no res­cue ef­fort could have saved him.

Still, Hernan­dez’s death ad­ded new ur­gency to over­haul­ing the Los Angeles Fire De­part­ment’s re­sponse to shoot­ing scenes with gun­men still on the loose. With the changes, the LAFD is join­ing the ranks of a grow­ing num­ber of fire agen­cies that are bor­row­ing the bat­tle­field tac­tics of mil­it­ary med­ics to im­prove the odds of sav­ing vic­tims.

Published: Dec. 22, 2013
Sources: Los Angeles County coroner
Credits: Ben Welsh

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