Grand jury indictment of Bell’s Rizzo and Spaccia

The grand jury in­dicted former Bell ad­min­is­trat­or Robert Rizzo and his as­sist­ant An­gela Spac­cia on vari­ous charges re­lated to pub­lic cor­rup­tion.

This is the first grand jury in­dict­ment in the case, which has already res­ul­ted in the ar­rest of eight Bell of­fi­cials. It is also the first con­spir­acy charge in the case, and al­leges a years-long con­spir­acy to loot the city and line the pock­et­books of top of­fi­cials.

Published: March 30, 2011
Sources: Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office
Credits: Kimi Yoshino, Ben Welsh

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