Brother Lawrence Sandstrom

July 3, 2013  By Victoria Kim and Harriet Ryan
After re­ceiv­ing a let­ter from an al­leged vic­tim’s moth­er, a top of­fi­cial of Holy Cross broth­ers re­spon­ded that he could give her “as much as­sur­ance as life af­fords” that Broth­er Lawrence Sand­strom was no danger to chil­dren. “His be­ha­vi­or­al pat­tern has been and con­tin­ues to be nor­mal,” he wrote.
July 3, 2013  By Victoria Kim and Harriet Ryan
When a judge ordered Broth­er Lawrence Sand­strom re­moved from Mary­vale orphan­age after al­leg­a­tions of sexu­al ab­use of chil­dren, his su­per­visors at the fa­cil­ity and in his re­li­gious or­der helped him get jobs at Cath­ol­ic high schools with sup­port­ive re­com­mend­a­tion let­ters.
July 3, 2013  By Victoria Kim and Harriet Ryan
In 1992, a de­voutly Cath­ol­ic moth­er from the San Gab­ri­el Val­ley wrote Car­din­al Ro­ger Ma­hony ask­ing for help with a pain­ful situ­ation “no hu­man be­ing should be asked to en­dure.” Her ad­op­ted son had mo­les­ted his young­er broth­er and, when con­fron­ted, had dis­closed that he him­self had been ab­used by a mem­ber of a re­li­gious or­der at a Cath­ol­ic orphan­age in Rose­mead. “How can we teach him to trust and ...