
Extradition documents for Bruce Beresford-Redman

Ex­tra­di­tion pa­pers filed by Mex­ic­an au­thor­it­ies seek­ing the re­turn of real­ity TV pro­du­cer Bruce Beres­ford-Red­man to Mex­ico in­clude hun­dreds of pages of med­ic­al re­cords, wit­ness testi­mony and crime scene pho­tos. Beres­ford-Red­man, who was ar­res­ted by U.S. au­thor­it­ies in Novem­ber,  is fa­cing murder charges in con­nec­tion with the death of his wife in Cancun, where the couple was va­ca­tion­ing in April 2010.

Mon­ica Beres­ford-Red­man’s body was found April 8 in a sep­tic tank at the lux­ury hotel where the couple was stay­ing out­side the re­sort in Cancun. Fam­ily mem­bers have said that she and her hus­band had gone to Mex­ico in an ef­fort to re­con­cile their troubled mar­riage. Beres­ford-Red­man has re­peatedly denied that he had any­thing to do with his wife’s death.

Read more: TV pro­du­cer’s mar­riage troubles de­tailed in ex­tra­di­tion pa­pers, Court pa­pers re­veal graph­ic de­tails in slay­ing of TV pro­du­cer’s wife

Published: Jan. 31, 2011

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