
Bryan Stow’s family sues the Dodgers

The fam­ily of the San Fran­cisco Gi­ants fan who suffered brain dam­age after a beat­ing at Dodger Sta­di­um sued the team and own­er Frank Mc­Court on Tues­day, al­leging that cut­backs in se­cur­ity and an­ti­quated fa­cil­it­ies — in­clud­ing light fix­tures dat­ing from 1962 — con­trib­uted to the bru­tal at­tack.

The law­suit, filed on be­half of para­med­ic Bry­an Stow and his two chil­dren, con­tends the team should have provided more se­cur­ity, es­pe­cially for the high-pro­file open­ing day game, after which Stow was as­saul­ted in the park­ing lot. He re­mains in crit­ic­al con­di­tion at San Fran­cisco Gen­er­al Hos­pit­al. Read more »

Published: May 24, 2011
Credits: Megan Garvey, Victoria Kim, Ben Welsh

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