The new Cali­for­nia pro­pos­al, known as the Sup­port Fed­er­al Im­mig­ra­tion Law Act, is modeled on the Ari­zona’s sus­pen­ded law, SB 1070, law, but has tweaks that sup­port­ers be­lieve will al­low it to sur­vive leg­al chal­lenges. Back­ers need to col­lect 433,971 val­id sig­na­tures by April 21, 2011, to qual­i­fy the meas­ure for the bal­lot, which something they hope to do with a com­bin­a­tion of paid sig­na­ture-gather­ers and ‘tea party’ vo­lun­teers, said Mi­chael Er­ick­son, the ini­ti­at­ive’s pro­ponent and a former mem­ber of the state Re­pub­lic­an Party’s ex­ec­ut­ive com­mit­tee. Click on the doc­u­ment to read its text and see high­lights of key pro­vi­sions.

Published: Dec. 6, 2010

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