
Catholic nuns’ group in need of reform, Vatican says

A group that rep­res­ents the ma­jor­ity of Ro­man Cath­ol­ic nuns in the United States has been chas­tised by the Vat­ic­an for de­vi­at­ing from church doc­trine and pro­mot­ing what the Holy See called “rad­ic­al fem­in­ist themes.”
Be­low is the as­sess­ment from the Con­greg­a­tion for the Doc­trine of the Faith — the church’s en­for­cer of or­tho­doxy — on the Lead­er­ship Con­fer­ence of Wo­men Re­li­gious.

Published: April 24, 2012
Sources: United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
Credits: The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith

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