Changes to the LAFD firefighter exam

Mem­bers of the Los Angeles Civil Ser­vice Com­mis­sion voted un­an­im­ously Thursday to re­place the test the city uses to hire new fire­fight­ers, the latest change to a se­lec­tion pro­cess that May­or Eric Gar­cetti has struggled to re­form in his bid to root out nepot­ism and di­ver­si­fy the de­part­ment’s rank and file.

The five-per­son ci­vil­ian board ap­proved out­sourcing the writ­ten fire­fight­er ex­am to Burb­ank-based PSI Ser­vices, which will charge ap­plic­ants $69 to enter next year’s round of hir­ing, sched­uled to be an­nounced on Fri­day.

Sources: City of Los Angeles Personnel Department

Credits: Ben Welsh