Documents detail misconduct by L.A. sheriff’s deputies

Christian Chamness county corrective action plan

Chris­ti­an Cham­ness was sus­pen­ded 25 days for writ­ing a false re­port and un­reas­on­able force, county re­cords show. The dis­cip­line stemmed from a 2007 in­cid­ent in which Cham­ness pep­per-sprayed an eld­erly man in the face and ar­res­ted him, claim­ing he the man had blocked the path of depu­ties and then ad­vanced on Cham­ness. The ac­count was con­tra­dicted by a se­cur­ity re­cord­ing that showed Cham­ness pep­per-spray­ing the 73-year-old man, who is not seen to be res­ist­ing depu­ties.

Sources: Los Angeles County