Christopher Dorner manhunt

The Los Angeles Po­lice De­part­ment is ex­amin­ing a mani­festo it said was pub­lished on what the agency be­lieves is the Face­book page of shoot­ing sus­pect Chris­toph­er Jordan Dorner. The LAPD has re­ques­ted that some names be re­dac­ted for safety reas­ons, and The Times is com­ply­ing with the re­quest. Note: This doc­u­ment con­tains lan­guage that read­ers might find of­fens­ive.
Feb. 11, 2013  By Andrew Blankstein and Robert J. Lopez
Re­cords provide new de­tails on the al­leged ac­tions of Chris­toph­er Jordan Dorner, 33, who is sus­pec­ted of killing three people, in­clud­ing a po­lice of­ficer, and has eluded au­thor­it­ies since the night of Feb. 6 when he was pub­licly named as the sus­pect in the slay­ing of an Irvine couple. Dorner may have been helped by an as­so­ci­ate iden­ti­fied only as “JY” in the char­ging doc­u­ment that was filed in U.S. ...
Charred hu­man re­mains have been found in the debris of the burned-out Big Bear area cab­in where po­lice be­lieve fu­git­ive ex-cop Chris­toph­er Dorner was holed up, San Bern­ardino County sher­iff’s of­fi­cials said in a state­ment late Tues­day night.
Feb. 15, 2013  By Nicole Santa Cruz
The Irvine couple who were the first al­leged vic­tims of Chris­toph­er Dorner were likely stalked be­fore be­ing shot mul­tiple times with a 9-mil­li­meter pis­tol equipped with a high-ca­pa­city magazine, ac­cord­ing to an af­fi­davit for a search war­rant.
Feb. 19, 2013  By Phil Willon
Doc­u­ments re­leased Tues­day ad­ded de­tails about the shoot­ings blamed on former Los Angeles po­lice of­ficer Chris­toph­er Dorner. The de­tails of shoot­ings in River­side and Corona were made pub­lic after River­side County Judge He­lios Hernan­dez, at the re­quest of the Los Angeles Times and Press En­ter­prise news­pa­pers, un­sealed the po­lice af­fi­davit for Dorner’s ar­rest war­rant.
May 7, 2013  By Andrew Blankstein and Robert J. Lopez
Three parties will share what is an­ti­cip­ated to a be $1-mil­lion re­ward for in­form­a­tion that led au­thor­it­ies to former po­lice of­ficer Chris­toph­er Dorner, who was found dead after a fiery gun battle with au­thor­it­ies, Los Angeles po­lice of­fi­cials an­nounced late Tues­day af­ter­noon.