Probation report: Ex-general manager of the L.A. Memorial Coliseum deserved a year in jail in corruption case

Patrick T. Lynch, the Los Angeles Me­mori­al Coli­seum’s former gen­er­al man­ager, es­caped a jail or pris­on term as part of his deal with pro­sec­utors after he was ac­cused of ac­cept­ing nearly $400,000 in kick­backs from a sta­di­um con­tract­or. But a pro­ba­tion of­ficer re­cently re­com­men­ded that Lynch should spend 365 days in county jail, say­ing he “vi­ol­ated a po­s­i­tion of trust” and “needs to be held fully ac­count­able for his ac­tions.”

Sources: Los Angeles County Superior Court