
Complaints about Watergate exhibit at Nixon library

Last sum­mer, when stal­warts of former Pres­id­ent Richard M. Nix­on got a glimpse of how the lib­rary planned to por­tray the Wa­ter­gate scan­dal, they re­spon­ded with a 158-page memo as­sail­ing the pro­posed ex­hib­it line by line, pan­el by pan­el.

The $500,000 Wa­ter­gate ex­hib­it, four years in the mak­ing, opened Thursday and fea­tures in­ter­act­ive screens, White House tapes and 131 taped in­ter­views that re­place the per­func­tory, much-ri­diculed nar­rat­ive of Wa­ter­gate that Nix­on him­self ap­proved when the lib­rary opened with private funds in 1990.

Published: March 31, 2011
Sources: National Archives
Credits: Christopher Goffard, Ben Welsh

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