
Condoms in Porn: Proposed L.A. County Measure

The AIDS Health­care Found­a­tion is cir­cu­lat­ing pe­ti­tions ask­ing Los Angeles County voters to re­quire porn per­formers to wear con­doms dur­ing film­ing. The bal­lot meas­ure would “re­quire pro­du­cers of adult films to ob­tain a pub­lic health per­mit from the Los Angeles County De­part­ment of Pub­lic Health and pay a per­mit fee” to fund en­force­ment.

The meas­ure is modeled on sim­il­ar health per­mits for tat­too shops, mas­sage par­lors and bath­houses. The county would be au­thor­ized to re­voke health per­mits of film pro­du­cers vi­ol­at­ing the or­din­ance, and vi­ol­a­tions could res­ult in civil fines or mis­de­mean­or charges. The county could con­duct ran­dom spot checks of film sites, just like how the county does sur­prise health in­spec­tions of res­taur­ants and food carts.

Published: Feb. 27, 2012
Sources: AIDS Healthcare Foundation

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