Juror questionnaire in the Dr. Conrad Murray trial

A total of 145 pro­spect­ive jur­ors filled out an ex­tens­ive ques­tion­naire — 32 pages of ques­tions about their back­ground, job his­tory, views of Jack­son and ex­pos­ure to the me­dia cov­er­age of his 2009 over­dose. These doc­u­ments were pored over by at­tor­neys in choos­ing the fi­nal pan­el of sev­en men and five wo­men tasked with de­cid­ing the in­vol­un­tary man­slaughter case of Mi­chael Jack­son’s per­son­al phys­i­cian, Dr. Con­rad Mur­ray. Re­view the ques­tions they were asked to an­swer.

Published: Sept. 26, 2011
Credits: Victoria Kim, Maloy Moore, Ken Schwencke

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