Documents related to Michael Jackson’s death

Be­low you can find a col­lec­tion of re­cords re­lated to the death of Mi­chael Jack­son and the tri­al of his doc­tor, Con­rad Mur­ray.

— Ken Schwencke

In a pro­ba­tion re­port re­leased by the Los Angeles County Su­per­i­or Court, Mi­chael Jack­son’s moth­er, Kath­er­ine Jack­son, said her fam­ily feels “angry and be­trayed” by Dr. Con­rad Mur­ray and ac­cuses her son’s phys­i­cian of con­stantly ly­ing.
Nov. 9, 2011  By Harriet Ryan and James Rainey
In a let­ter to NBC and Com­cast ex­ec­ut­ives, rep­res­ent­at­ives for the fam­ily of Mi­chael Jack­son de­man­ded that the net­work re­frain from air­ing a doc­u­ment­ary about Dr. Con­rad Mur­ray.
Jury in­struc­tions in the tri­al of Dr. Con­rad Mur­ray who is charged with in­vol­un­tary man­slaughter in the 2009 death of pop star Mi­chael Jack­son.
On June 27, 2009, Dr. Con­rad Mur­ray was in­ter­viewed by two de­tect­ives from the Los Angeles Po­lice De­part­ment shortly after Mi­chael Jack­son’s death. Dur­ing the in­ter­view, which took place at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel in Mar­ina del Rey, Mur­ray de­scribed the long hours dur­ing which he tried in vain to get Jack­son to sleep with the aid of drugs oth­er than propo­fol, the sur­gic­al an­es­thet­ic that ul­ti­mately caused his death.
A total of 145 pro­spect­ive jur­ors filled out an ex­tens­ive ques­tion­naire — 32 pages of ques­tions about their back­ground, job his­tory, views of Jack­son and ex­pos­ure to the me­dia cov­er­age of his 2009 over­dose. These doc­u­ments were pored over by at­tor­neys in choos­ing the fi­nal pan­el of sev­en men and five wo­men tasked with de­cid­ing the in­vol­un­tary man­slaughter case of Mi­chael Jack­son’s per­son­al phys­i­cian, Dr. Con­rad Mur­ray. Re­view the ques­tions ...
The Los Angeles County cor­on­er’s autopsy re­port on the June 25, 2009 death of pop star Mi­chael Jack­son. The cor­on­er’s of­fice de­term­ined the cause of death to be “acute propo­fol in­tox­ic­a­tion” in com­bin­a­tion with the use of sed­at­ives.