Southern California Edison and Mitsubishi

South­ern Cali­for­nia Edis­on and Mit­subishi Heavy In­dus­tries wrote a series of let­ters back and forth late last year about pos­sible long term re­pair plans for faulty steam gen­er­at­ors at the San Ono­fre nuc­le­ar plant. The plant has been out of ser­vice since Janu­ary 2012. The cor­res­pond­ence came out as part of a pro­ceed­ing be­fore the Cali­for­nia Pub­lic Util­it­ies Com­mis­sion that could even­tu­ally lead to cus­tom­ers’ rates be­ing lowered or re­fun­ded.

— Abby Sewell
