County fire chief’s letter on automatic aid

The fire chiefs from county, city and Gl­end­ale fire de­part­ments re­cently met to lay the ground­work for a pos­sible re­gion­al net­work that would auto­mat­ic­ally de­ploy fire and res­cue based on their loc­a­tion to an emer­gency, ac­cord­ing to this let­ter from county Fire Chief Daryl Osby.

The re­port was pre­pared in re­sponse to a mo­tion by Su­per­visor Mike Ant­onovich fol­low­ing a Times in­vest­ig­a­tion that found the Los Angeles Fire De­part­ment rarely calls on the county fire agency for as­sist­ance, res­ult­ing in longer waits in med­ic­al emer­gen­cies along the city’s jagged bor­ders.

Published: Dec. 20, 2012
Credits: Robert J. Lopez, Ben Welsh

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