DA memo on LAPD Officer Clifford Proctor

Last year, the Los Angeles County dis­trict at­tor­ney’s of­fice de­clined to pur­sue charges of per­jury or fil­ing a false po­lice against Clif­ford Proc­tor but faul­ted the of­ficer for not in­clud­ing state­ments from two wit­nesses that he “should reas­on­ably have known … were ma­ter­i­al to the in­vest­ig­a­tion and should have been in­cluded in the re­port.”

Proc­tor fatally shot an un­armed home­less man in Venice earli­er this month, prompt­ing heated cri­ti­cism of the LAPD. The fatal shoot­ing was cap­tured by a se­cur­ity cam­era on a nearby build­ing. After watch­ing the re­cord­ing, Chief Charlie Beck said that he was “very con­cerned” about the in­cid­ent. The re­cord­ing has not been made pub­lic.