Jails under scrutiny

DA memo rejecting charges against sheriff’s deputies

The Los Angeles County dis­trict at­tor­ney’s of­fice re­jec­ted charges against Sher­iff’s Depu­ties Joey Aguiar and Mari­ano Ramirez, who were ac­cused of beat­ing an in­mate on Feb. 11, 2009, in Men’s Cent­ral Jail. A county pro­sec­utor said sher­iff’s of­fi­cials sub­mit­ted their in­vest­ig­a­tion of the in­cid­ent too late for crim­in­al fil­ing in state court. A fed­er­al grand jury handed up an in­dict­ment this week al­leging that Aguiar and Ramirez as­saul­ted the in­mate and wrote false re­ports to cov­er up the crime.